Gold Spoon Brand
UK No1 Rice
Copyright © Haran Foods UK Limited. All rights reserved
Product Range
Eat Healthy, Live Healthy
Haran Foods UK Limited, we take great care selecting the companies who supply us directly with their products. Our Global Sourcing Principles establish the standards for suppliers working with us.
Our Supplier’s Responsibility
Together with each supplier, we establish a set of standards which includes specifications appropriate to the industries and countries manufacturing the products.
Workforce Rights
The people working for our suppliers must be treated with respect, and their health, safety and basic human rights must be protected and promoted. Each supplier must strive to comply with all relevant local and national laws and regulations, particularly with regard to:
Production Sites and Labelling
Suppliers must agree with us in advance the production site or sites to be used for each order: no subcontracting of our orders from these agreed locations is allowed. Identification of the production facility and country of origin must be printed on all products made by our suppliers so that full trace ability is possible.
Environmental Responsibility
At the very least, suppliers must meet all local and national regulations and provide Haran Foods UK Limited with evidence that they have achieved these standards as required. In addition, we expect them to meet all relevant standards relating to the environment.
A Commitment to Extending these Ethical Principles
We expect our suppliers to adopt similar principles in dealing with their own suppliers. Suppliers must apply these principles at all times, and must also be able to demonstrate that they are doing so. We will work with suppliers to support any necessary improvements but we will also take action, which may involve cancelling contracts and ceasing to trade, if suppliers are not prepared to make appropriate changes.
Relevant International Standards
All of our suppliers meet requirements appropriate to the country of manufacture during the production process.
Our Responsibility
Haran Foods UK Limited are committed to working with our suppliers and to undertake our own regular audits of process and working standards within our manufacturing suppliers. We also uphold the same employment or workforce rights as outlined for our suppliers.